Millennium kiln fire, inheritance and innovation! Liling City "ceramic family" selection ceremony was held

发布于: 2022-12-19 09:49
阅读: 35

Polish mud, life blindly; A good pen is a flower, and life is an environment.
Ceramic is the traditional industry of Liling inherited for thousands of years, and also the cultural card of Liling with profound heritage, just as Shan Jixiang, president of the Chinese Cultural Relics Society and former director of the Palace Museum, said, "Millennium porcelain capital, the world Liling". Through the long river of history, after the baptism of the tide, the innovation and development of the ceramic industry needs the inheritance of skills, the leadership of ingenuity, and the promotion of spirit. Selection of ceramic family, can decipher the survival code of the family, can also sort out the development logic of the industry, is the need to practice the integrity of innovation, but also the need to make contributions to the great era.
In the "ceramic family" selection ceremony, the reporter interviewed the ceramic industry experts and representatives of the "ceramic family" family, they said that they will inherit the spirit of the ancestors and create more possibilities.
Xu Junqi, leader of the expert jury group of the "Ceramic Family" selection organizing committee, said that the selection of "ceramic family" is still the first in Hunan, opening a new chapter in the ceramic selection activities, but also reflects the determination of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government to spare no effort to promote the development of the ceramic industry.
"Liling ceramic industry employees of nearly 200,000, we selected fifty 'ceramic family' from 200,000 people, this is the best of the best, careful, just have the supreme glory of the ceramic industry." Xu Junqi said.
"Ceramic family" is not only an honor, but also a heavy responsibility. It is necessary to make unremitting efforts to create more people and famous people, so that the ceramic industry can be passed on from generation to generation and never stop. Through the strength of the family, the ceramic industry should be promoted as the cause of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and the excellent traditional Chinese culture should be inherited and carried forward. It is necessary to have a world vision, combined with the requirements of "adhering to the right innovation, and polishing the business card of Liling ceramics more bright", adhere to the work idea of "focusing, fission, innovation, upgrading and brand", and make greater contributions to the development of the ceramic industry in Liling.


Source: Liling
